Anxiety Worksheets
If you suffer with anxiety or are prone to experiencing periods of high anxiety, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to move forwards from it. By spending time on mindfulness techniques, discovering your inner voice and working on your self-esteem, you can greatly improve your body and mind’s reaction to anxiety inducing situations. This is where our anxiety worksheets come into play.
Scroll down to view a range of downloadable PDFs which can be easily printed off and filled in to help you deal with your anxiety. In addition to our worksheets for anxiety we have audio and further information below about anxiety and how to cope with anxiety.
Anxiety with Stress and Burnout
Anxiety Worksheets

Teenage Anxiety Worksheet – Strategies’ for Studying Smarter – Not Harder!
Teenage mental wellness expert Kaitlyn E Kelly has written tips for teenagers and shared her anxiety worksheet around studying.
Can we learn to study smarter, not harder? Yes! In many ways, our brains work like computers, with information being processed, downloaded, saved, and retrieved. The way we initially process and download material we learn in school is going to determine what we store, as well as retrieve later for tests or homework. This means that the way we first take in the information and “download” it into our internal “files” in our brains will ultimately dictate how we learn. If you don’t effectively organize what you are supposed to learn, then your learning and recall of the information will be limited.
The first steps are about organization and getting prepared to “download” that information you received at school today.
1. Establish a dedicated homework space with consistent “office hours”. Choose a space to make it your own, yet without distractions from electronics or phones. Make a game plan for routine “office hours” for studying or project work. Find that space but don’t be distracted.
2. Go through your backpack and your online platform to read assignments, or emails related to homework.
3. Organize your work by the immediacy of due dates for assignments, tests, or projects.
4. Review in your mind and through what you took from your backpack, or computer, the “snapshot” of what was learned today.
5. Establish and manage your expectations about your ability to understand the assignment, time it will take to complete it, time to review the information for a test, and your realistic level of performance.
6. Understand your personal learning and study styles. There are no short-cuts, but there might be some less bumpy paths. Don’t just passively read, but actually take notes and organize the material as you are learning it. Some people like making online quizzes (eg Quizlet), others like old fashioned flash cards, and many students like taking notes on an iPad or laptop. No matter how you do choose to take the notes, be organized and consistent. How you initially process the material will dictate how you learn it, store it in your memory, and retrieve it later on. Here are some ways to do it!
The second steps are learning strategies designed to have you think about studying in a different way. Like organizing your backpack (see above), we are going to organize our minds to “download”, “save into files”, and “retrieve” information in effective ways. These tips will also help you with activating your study behaviors for more successful studying. The following strategies are a type of cognitive checklist to review before each starting each assignment. Ask yourself these questions before starting each homework assignment, project, or test review. Remember, worry about an assignment never gets it done. Instead, think about it in a new way.
1. What is the purpose of this assignment? Knowing why you have to do an assignment or task is key to kick-starting the task. Many students go through the motions of starting homework without being told by the teacher why it’s important or why it matters, and that makes it difficult to start. Know how the assignment connects to the curriculum and overall course/class objectives. This will also help you stay focused and goal-directed for the assignment, without doing too much or too little. Have you ever had a teacher say “You didn’t answer the question or do what I assigned”? Knowing the purpose will help you avoid that mistake.
2. How does this assignment “fit” into the class learning goals? Ask yourself how this homework ties into what was done in class today and the unit/subject matter covered. What are the learning goals – what do you believe the teacher wanted you to learn?
3. Why did the teacher/instructor give me this homework? Ask yourself this question to figure out if the assignment is covering major concepts for the class. Here is an American Literature class example: Is the assignment about “How did Hemingway influence 20th century fiction”, or is the assignment about specific aspects of writing such as “How did Hemingway use symbolic imagery and realism to tell his stories?” Did the teacher want me to understand a big concept, or understand a process or specific constructs of material?
4. What specific skills or concepts am I to learn from this homework? This ties into the above question to ask yourself. Often, a teacher will want you to prove you have learned (or listened to) what was shared in class. Do you need to show you know broad concepts, procedures, or specific skills? This can happen in math, where you might know the concept of limits in Calculus, yet not be too sure of the notation. In English Literature, you might have to show you know how to incorporate a specific style into your own writing.
5. What does this assignment have to do with what we did in class? Know how the homework relates to what you did today and use that information in your work. It can help to show that you made the connection by using the vocabulary from the classwork, or referring to what was learned that day in your assignment. Knowing how the homework and the in-class work (or labs) relates to the assignment is key to working smarter.
6. What must I “show that I know?” Don’t be afraid to show what you know. The teacher wants proof you know it, so go ahead and show it. Just be certain of what that teacher is expecting from you.
7. Is the assignment about memorizing content, manipulating content, organizing information, or demonstrating skill? As we move into the final years of secondary education, the course content becomes less concrete and more complex. The same thing happens with our assignments. We move beyond simply memorizing factual knowledge and into manipulating knowledge. This is when teachers give us the “Compare & Contrast” essays and homework that involve multiple steps (like in math). As we move into more complex material, the homework often seeks to answer the “Why” or “How” of something. One example would be “Why did the British cavalry meet disaster during the Battle of Balaklava?” or “How did economic, military, religious and political factors lead to Imperialism?”
8. Are there connections to other materials or classes? What are the relationships and sequences of materials I can identify? Determine if the assignment is connected to material you are covering in another class. I have had several classes that had connected subjects or topics. An example of this is when your history course is also connected to the same time period in your literature class. You might be studying the Crimean War in History class and also reading “The Charge of Light Brigade” at the same time in your Literature class. Teachers won’t always make this connection for you, expecting you (as the smart student you are) to understand the connection between historic events, the lessons learned from the event, and the inspiration for literature.
9. Does the teacher/instructor want me to prove I know facts, synthesis of information, compare or contrast abilities, or creativity? Again, know what your teacher wants. We have all worked hard on a paper, only to discover upon receiving a poor grade that teacher wanted something else. Look for the clues in the assignment heading/title. Key words might be “Synthesize”, “Compare”, “Contrast”, “Prove”, “Explain”, “Demonstrate”, or “Justify”. If you are not sure, take the initiative to ask the teacher upon receiving the assignment by explaining that you want to clarify the expectations.
10. How do you think this information will be set up on a test? There is a method to the madness behind every assignment. So, as you are doing the homework, be proactive and think how this might be set up or presented on a test. Use the homework time in early preparation mode for the test. Take notes the way you feel most comfortable while you are studying it the first time in preparation for a test later on. This way, you will have a head start on the review process.

Anxiety Worksheet Coping Guide
Here you will find short impactful strategy for coping which can be used in multiple scenarios.
Coping Guide Download:
When we face a challenge or event that makes us feel negative emotions such as anxiety; automatic thoughts can become active and self-doubt can kick in. For example if we feel like we have messed up In some way negative and critical automatic thoughts can take charge.
It is important that we practice self-compassion and create a coping mantra or our own personal ‘box of compassion.’
We can train ourselves to have coping thoughts and become aware of our automatic negative thoughts and instead replace these with our compassionate coping thoughts.
Examples of coping thoughts:
“I am only human, I have come a long way in the last 12 months and one mistake does not define me.”
“I wish the other person kindness and I will learn from this and become stronger.”
“I choose to be happy and appreciate the good in my life.”
“I won’t waste energy on trying to change things I cannot control.”
Assess a recent time when something happened to you and assess how your thinking patterns were at that time.
Think of three kind coping thoughts you could have used in that situation.
Practice adding coping thoughts each day to your vocabulary.
Breathe Work to support your Anxiety Worksheets
Clinical Hypnotherapist Gail Marra Breathwork Audio
Learn more about Clinical Hypnotherapist Gail Marra – Breaking Bad Habits
What causes anxiety?
What causes anxiety and how can our anxiety worksheets help you?
- According to the American Psychological Association – “Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.”
How to cope with anxiety?
- Practicing meditation can help us to form healthier relationships with our thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness meditation for beginners can help us to sit with thoughts in a non judgmental way. No emotion is bad and it is often our fear of the emotion and lack of exploration that can cause further anxiety around the initial emotion. When we feel a negative emotion it is healthier to be curious about the emotion and to build a healthy relationship with both positive and negative emotions. Emotional intelligence teaches us to regulate our emotions in a healthy manner.
- Exercise can help our bodies and our mind function better and releases endorphins. Exercise also helps us to channel our thoughts, to focus and to feel a greater sense of autonomy and self-efficacy i.e. we believe in ourselves more and we gain a sense of control over our lives.
- A healthy bed time routine can help us to sleep well by reducing stresses and anxiety before we go to bed. You can also read and use your anxiety worksheets to help bring calm to your mind before you go to bed.
Meditation support for your Anxiety Worksheets
Meditation and mindfulness techniques’ can help us tremendously when we suffer with anxiety. Please see below our Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners guide to support you anxiety worksheets.
Meaningful Paths beginners guide – Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners – Meaningful Paths
Articles to support your Anxiety Worksheets
Sleep for Anxiety
Anxiety can cause us to lose much sleep, and this then becomes a cycle where a lack of sleep can cause a lack of clear thinking and increased anxiety. This then can further result in a further lack of sleep.
Sleep well – Sleep and the mind – What happens to your brain when you sleep? – Meaningful Paths
Financial Anxiety
Financial challenges can be one of the largest sources of stress and anxiety in our lives. When we learn to build a healthier relationship with money we start to reduce our anxiety around this area.
Financial health – Building A Healthy Relationship with Money – Meaningful Paths