Meaningful Paths

Strength | Hope

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Narrated by Andreanna Vasiliou.

Having big dreams and goals is healthy as it enables us to project our future best self and have something meaningful to aim towards.

If our action steps towards these goals our too big then at times we can become stuck in addition to other elements in the world causing roadblocks for us. This can result in us losing hope and giving up on our bigger goals.

Faith is believing that something bigger than us will intervene. Optimism is believing in a brighter future. Hope on the other hand is the actions that we can take to make our future better – we have control.

When we recalibrate our micro-goals then we can ignite hope and produce momentum. For example if you plan to read many books each year and we set the goal of reading 5 chapters per day, then we are likely to not meet this standard due to other commitments in our lives. We can recalibrate our micro-goals and still continue on our path for our bigger goals. We may choose to leave our book on our pillow and read one page per day, and then this will grow to two pages per day and so forth. Daily consistency will help us to produce positive habits in contrast to ad-hoc actions.

Recalibrating our micro-goals is not giving up on our dreams. It is simply a minor adjustment to our actions along our path towards our bigger goals.

Don’t be afraid to recalibrate your micro-goals for daily consistency and a momentum of hope.

David Chorlton | Meaningful Paths Founder

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