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How To Cultivate Connection And Belonging EBook


This e-booklet is for people who feel like they don’t belong anywhere, who struggle with feeling of disconnectedness and isolation. The material shared in these pages, will support you in recognizing your patterns in relationships, it lists common “obstacles” that prevent people from experiencing a sense of belonging. It also includes a practice which is recorded on video and some additional support should you need it.



This e-booklet is for people who feel like they don’t belong anywhere, who struggle with feeling of disconnectedness and isolation. The material shared in these pages, will support you in recognizing your patterns in relationships, it lists common “obstacles” that prevent people from experiencing a sense of belonging. It also includes a practice which is recorded on video and some additional support should you need it.

The Author

Gayane is a Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner, Group Facilitator and a Transformational Coach.
As a former refugee who escaped from the grip of war when she was a child, she felt lost and disconnected from herself for a couple of decades. After graduating from college with a 3.9 GPA and landing a job in a Fortune 500 Corporation, she realized that she was in the wrong place.

This painfully disappointing experience supported Gayane in reevaluating her life and pushed her to engage in the process of Soul searching. Gayane embarked on a journey of healing and self-development by diving into psychology books, attending workshops, working with practitioners and pursuing a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology.

Gayane now enjoys supporting women who feel overwhelmed and lack purpose. She helps them to reconnect with themselves, to experience healing, fulfillment and inner peace.