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Positive Organisation – Resilience in the Workplace
Our Positive Organisation package(s) teach workplace resilience, optimal human functioning and meaning to help you positively grow your team or organisation – pushing each team member in the right direction.
Scroll down to see how we can help your team grow and introduce resilience in the workplace.
Luthar, Cicchettie, & Becker (2000); Resilience is “a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of significant adversity.”
Alberts and colleagues (2011), study shows that it may be possible to alter your negativity bias through applied optimism.
The World Economic Forum (2020) predicts that Emotional Intelligence will become a Top Ten essential skill needed by all.
Tech Philosopher, Author and Entrepreneur, Somi Arian (2020) believes Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness are crucial skill sets for the future work place.
How can workplace resilience help your team grow?
Get started with workplace resilience today
If you would like to explore our offerings within our positive organisation package then please see our Partner Organisation Prism Potential Ltd for further information.