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About Guides

Our vision was to create a large free video library to help individuals with daily challenges so that they never have to be alone or lost. Anything from your boss causing your stress all the way to communication challenges all … Read More

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The Neuroscience Of New Beginnings: Starting A New Chapter In Life

Written by Dr. Samantha Brooks and narrated by Andreanna Vasiliou. Heralding the start of a new year allows us to feel optimistic about fresh new beginnings, having reflected on the harsh lessons we all had to face last year.  And … Read More

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The Social Brain

Image Reference: Photo by That’s Her Business on Unsplash Written by Dr. Samantha Brooks and narrated by Aria Edwards Community spirit is the feeling of being involved in and concerned about one’s local neighbourhood. It’s about having the freedom to … Read More

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Adventure 2

From Lost Hope to Found Purpose

Written and narrated by Sandy ElChaar …Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a person named Charlie. Charlie was like any other person in the city, going through the motions of life but feeling a deep sense … Read More

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Book: Purposeful Living

Our new eBook is LIVE! Purposeful Living: How To Navigate Depressive States And Thrive In Life This eBook will help those who have lost hope all the way to supporting an individuals personal growth and purposeful living. About the authors … Read More

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Coding For Happiness

Image Ref: Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash Written by Dr. Sherry Skyler Kelly and narrated by Aria Edwards Can we code our minds for greater happiness? Yes, we can!   Happiness is cultivated from decision to view our world … Read More

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Will Power Training | About CY-A

Written and narrated by Dr. Samantha Brooks. THE CURB YOUR ADDICTION (CY-A) APP In partnership with the Meaningful Paths app to support will power training. Curb Your Addiction (C-Ya for short) is a computer-based, 15-minute game that can be played … Read More

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The Cognitive Neuroscience of COVID-19

The cognitive neuroscience of COVID-19: what are the pros and cons for our brains of living through this unprecedented global lockdown? Feature Image: Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash Written by Dr. Samantha Brooks and narrated by Aria Edwards What … Read More

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Impulse Control

About Dr. Samantha Brooks Dr. Samantha Brooks is a Reader of Cognitive Neuroscience in the School of Psychology,  Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, and a Chartered member of the British Psychological Society.  Her research specialises in the neural mechanisms of … Read More

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Compulsive Shopping

Written and narrated by Dr. Samantha Brooks. Impulsivity and compulsivity play a large role in neuropsychiatric research as they underpin many mental health disorders. Unfortunately, impulsive and compulsive thoughts and behaviours are also commonly observed throughout the festive period! Impulsivity is … Read More

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