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Here is a list of in points and achievements earned by logged in Meaningful Path app users. For any questions please email us –

4 1
1624 Path Points


Wisdom Path

4 1 100 Path Points

Complete a Guided Journey Course. Ensure you click 'mark complete' at the end of each lesson.


Path Finder

4 1 50 Path Points

Complete your profile and complete the Welcome Course - Purpose Discovery and unlock the Path Finder Achievement. Ensure to click mark complete after each lesson.


Leadership Path

4 1 25 Path Points

Cheer on and champion your fellow community. Reply on other peoples posts on the activity feed about gratitude and their achievements 10x! Also post 10x gratitude posts.


Welcome Path

10 Points

Welcome to Meaningful Paths. To begin your journey please add your profile picture/avatar and share your first gratitude post on our gratitude wall to earn your welcome badge.


Weekly Gratitude Path

4 1 10 Path Points

Publish a weekly gratitude post on our gratitude wall.

4 1

Weekly Kindness Path

4 1 10 Path Points

Reply to a gratitude post each week and cheer people on.